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96 Troyer SK Light For Sale

Posted: 10/24/22

Item Info
  1. Price: $7,500 o.b.o.
  2. Item Description: 96 Troyer sk light for sale, 08 style front clip RAD motor with 1 full season on it, selling complete turn key 14,000$ OBO
    Brett 203-499-9077
Seller Info
  1. Sellers Name: Brett
  2. Sellers Phone Number: 203-499-9077
  3. Seller prefers to be contacted by: Phone or Text

For Sale: SK Modified® Spec Engine

Posted: 7/12/22

Item Info
  1. Price: $7,500 o.b.o.
  2. Item Description: Sk spec engine, Built by Mike Pettit, 8 races since fresh, Sold as shown
    Jay at (774) 280-1255
Seller Info
  1. Sellers Name: Jay
  2. Sellers Phone Number: (774) 280-1255
  3. Seller prefers to be contacted by: Text